Message from the President

Hello all,

I am humbled and honored to become the 31st President of the NYPD Columbia Association. 2022 hopefully brings brighter days ahead for us all.

A little about me – I started 16 years ago on the Columbia Association board as the Manhattan Trustee, and have held numerous positions on the board since. I look very forward to serving this great and historic association as it’s president, especially with 2022 beginning our 90th Year. I am sure I face some challenges ahead, but look forward to with your support keeping this organization running strong.

We have some great events planned for 2022 – starting in May with the return of our Annual Dinner Dance at Russo’s on the Bay. Please be sure to visit our website and social media pages for event updates.

I look forward to seeing you all at our events and meetings, and please help keep this great organization going with membership.

Be safe, and all my best.

Anthony Burgio

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